How your eCommerce Business can Succeed (post-COVID)

Last Updated on October 30, 2024

The COVID-19 virus has affected many globally. However, digital technology has been shown to effectively add growth to many large and small businesses, such as e-commerce. As it has reached these businesses, digital technology has accelerated. Those who have expanded or started to include eCommerce have benefited during the pandemic; this trend is set to continue beyond this crisis. By 2024, the retail eCommerce sector is predicted to reach US$6.07 trillion, a surge of 11.34%.

We go a bit deeper into some of the areas many businesses struggle with and the areas they control. Regulations often differ, as do the terms of online payment solutions. There are other areas impeding success over which companies do not have much control. Focusing on making your business the best, the most visible, and accessible can help you make changes that benefit your business.

Customers’ growing expectations and the ecommerce business

Businesses have spent millions of dollars improving their brand identity and reputation, all with a more customer-centric approach. Nevertheless, experience does matter since 86% of online shoppers are willing to pay more if they have a better experience.

Nevertheless, even though the market has increased, customer satisfaction has decreased – even Amazon has experienced a decline in the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Consumers are tired of irrelevant endorsements and are demanding engagement instead of assumptions.

The average customer experience is below acceptable. Many new players have been drawn into the eCommerce market – 89% more are revival businesses.

Some businesses, like Amazon, are trying to innovate by offering new shipping methods. However, there is a disconnect between the sellers’ and consumers’ expectations.

fiends buying on ecommerce business site

Personalization Originated with Relationship Marketing

Even though it has been seen as an old concept, it is a vital component many have not mastered to their cost. The scale has been a negative factor – the customer database is too large to generate personalized customer experiences.

On the other hand, customer purchases are often too low to justify spending on such an approach. Still, eCommerce personalization within an ecommerce business is possible.

The correct software can be harnessed, and the best people can analyze the data, track sales, and pinpoint new opportunities, helping the client make better choices. To overcome this problem, a one-on-one relationship is needed.

The data must be processed using the available tools and adding much-needed capabilities to increase online ratings and visibility. This will yield a deeper understanding of the client’s buying behavior and create a personalized customer experience.

Being Reliable

An important trait to adopt while the business grows is reliability. Clients will use various channels to learn more about the product or service before purchasing the experience at the different touchpoints, which should be consistent across all these platforms.

To solve this problem, optimization of the various digital platforms is vital. The multiple pages, shipping details, and search options should be consistent.

The customer’s shopping journey then becomes seamless. In practical terms, the fulfillment, distribution, and product quality must be commendable.

audience focused ecommerce businesses

Dealing with the Competition

Simply put, competition occurs when an increasing number of people offer the same products or services, and a race ensues to see who can outsmart the other. W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne coined the blue and red oceans strategy.

This strategy describes red oceans as the cutthroat competition turning the ocean red. However, when owners innovate, ignore the competition, and can turn hidden constraints into new opportunities for growth, such a strategy falls within the blue ocean.

The blue ocean is where you want to be: you are not inherently forced to drop your rates to beat the competition.

Alternatively, e-commerce businesses can remain in the red ocean, where they must undertake ongoing competitive analyses to observe pricing, products, and competitors’ marketing strategies.

This is to understand the competition’s strengths and weaknesses, which the company’s marketing strategy must consider.

Being Agile

Being agile is essential for operating effectively, especially for eCommerce. This involves making changes that continue to inspire the customer when necessary in reaction to rapid changes.

This could mean producing new content photos or video-editing work. Also, this could imply hiring additional skills for a project but not wanting to hire permanent staff, which will affect the company’s overheads.

For the latter, outsourcing is a solution. Business owners or companies that want to improve their agility can onboard and offboard staff as and when the project requires such.

lead gen for ecommerce businesses

Appropriate Leads

Marketing can stimulate traffic to businesses’ websites through Facebook and Google ads and emails, especially for an e-commerce business. However, once spending stops, so too will the traffic.

Good leads help a company remain high-ranking. A strong SEO strategy can improve ranking and lure the right audience to the business website.

In addition, a lead-generation specialist can help to increase the number of leads. This specialist will focus on lead-generation strategies, such as using lead magnets.

Lead magnets are incentives that drive traffic to the site by offering their contact details, creating grade content such as white papers or e-books, offering a discount, offering a free trial period, using social media, and, for instance, using retargeting.

3 Key Takeaways

  • Ecommerce is booming, but customer satisfaction is lagging. The market is increasing, but businesses must focus on providing a better customer experience to stay ahead. Personalization is critical to achieving this.

  • Businesses need to be reliable and agile to succeed in ecommerce. This means having consistent information across all platforms, offering high-quality products and fulfillment, and adapting to market changes quickly. Techniques like outsourcing can help with agility.

  • Generating leads is crucial for long-term ecommerce success. Paid advertising can bring in initial traffic, but a strong SEO strategy and lead generation techniques like lead magnets are essential for attracting and converting customers.


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