How Do You Prioritize Tasks When Outsourcing?

Last Updated on June 29, 2024

The outsourcing process can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to prioritize tasks in a way that can send you down a rabbit hole of questions and confusion. Remember this rule of thumb when delegating tasks to your virtual assistant: “Is it something that only I can do?” If the answer is yes − if no amount of training would help your assistant understand how to complete this task − then it’s not one of the first things you should delegate. Here are some examples:

Ask Yourself: “Is It Something That Only I Can Do?” 

When outsourcing, the first thing to consider is whether the task can be delegated. You should not try to delegate it if it’s something that only you can do. For example, if you’re a lawyer and someone needs help with your expertise, there’s no point delegating this task: a qualified attorney can only take it up.

However, if the task isn’t something you can do but takes time and effort, such as managing all administrative tasks related to a project, you can feel free to delegate those tasks!

Identify Tasks That Are Impossible for a Virtual Assistant to Complete

There are tasks that a virtual assistant cannot do. Identifying and moving those tasks from your to-do list is essential so you don’t waste time on them. This cannot be easy. At first, it may seem that a task is possible for an outsourcer. However, if they are not up to it, it doesn’t matter how much money you save or how many hours you free up.

I Have Listed Some Examples Below of Work Sspects that I Consider Impossible:

  • Writing an article on my website (I have tried in the past but have failed)
  • Creating marketing materials (I have tried before and failed)
  • Marketing my business online by myself (This isn’t difficult for me, but again − I fail at this!)

Delegate the Tedious Stuff

One of the most important things to do when outsourcing is to delegate repetitive and tedious tasks. Tasks like these can be very time-consuming. If you don’t have the time or energy to do them yourself, hiring someone who can handle them more effectively is better.

Another thing to remember is that when you delegate tasks, they should not be too complex for your outsourcer. If you hire someone who doesn’t have much experience with a specific type of work, they may not know how best to tackle it. Worse still, they may waste your time trying various methods until they find something that works (which could take hours).

For example, I may be looking for an illustrator to create some graphics for a comic book about my cat (I guess I’m allergic). It would probably take me several hours just coming up with ideas on what style should be used or which characters should appear in each panel − and then another few days drawing them myself! However, if I hired someone who knows their way around Photoshop programs and understands how comics work, maybe after just one morning’s work, we’d already have everything done!

Delegate Tasks That Consume Too Much Time

Tasks that take up much time can be outsourced to more efficient workers. For example, if you have a great deal of writing work and find that your employees are not as quick as you would like, you can outsource the editing or proofreading task to someone else. Outsourcing this task would be ideal if an employee doesn’t enjoy accounting work but is extremely good at it.

When it comes to repetitive tasks (like sending emails), having an assistant will save you time and make sure that these tasks are correctly performed. If the process consists of sending emails once every week instead of daily, having someone else handle this may benefit both parties involved.

Choose Tasks That You Dislike Doing, but That Still Must Be Done

Some tasks you may dislike but must still undertake:

The Time-Consuming Tasks

These may take much more of your time than they should, or they may seem endless and boring.

The Skillset-Related Tasks

You can’t do them or don’t have the right tools for them −either way, they’re a pain in YOUR neck! The tedious chores make your eyes roll back into your head and cause blood vessels to burst in frustration (or whatever else).

Leave Room for Growth

It’s important to remember that you will not get it all done in the first week. You will have some tasks you can do yourself and others that require outside help. This means you must prioritize your tasks to delegate those that are not within your capabilities.

You may also find some tasks more efficiently done by someone else or with a tool or resource outside of yourself (e.g., hiring an assistant). Delegating these tasks will allow you more time for other areas of growth and development while still allowing for the completion of the project as a whole!

Start by Identifying Easy Tasks for a Virtual Assistant to Axecute, and Work Your Way Up from There

When outsourcing tasks, you mustn’t delegate something too easy or difficult. You’ll want to start by identifying easy tasks for a virtual assistant to execute, working your way up from there.

For instance, you may have a pile of papers to file on your desk. That is an easy task for most people (including me). However, if you know how to file documents properly, it would make more sense to do it yourself than to pay someone else to do it incorrectly. However, it would be a good idea to outsource this task if you need help organizing files so they are easier to find when working on projects related to those specific topics. Little training is involved in organizing files in their appropriate folders/folders within the folders system (my preferred method).

Something Else Worth Mentioning

Make sure not to overburden your virtual assistant with tasks! Asking them to book travel reservations or schedule appointments is probably overboard unless they’re specifically trained in those areas. Most VAs can run personal errands like picking up medicine at CVS. However, all virtual assistants aren’t necessarily experts at booking flights and hotels −if they were, they’d probably have their own business doing just that!

Conclusion: How Do You Prioritize Tasks When Outsourcing?

It’s best to start by prioritizing the tasks that are easy for your virtual assistant to execute. From there, you can work up to more complicated or time-consuming tasks while leaving room for growth.


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